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Wave of YouTube apps hits the Windows Store

From what we hear, millions of users absolutely love Google’s YouTube. It’s where people get the fill of the latest music videos, top viral videos, and where we may or may not enjoy episodes of Inside Gaming Daily. Windows 8 users can now get their fill of all three with a small tidal wave of YouTube applications available from the Windows Store.

T.O.K.’s free YouTube Player delivers the quality goods with support for both the search and share Charms. CensoredUser’s YouTube RT delivers all the goods YouTube Player does only with support for downloading your favorites for offline viewing and at a price of $2.49 it’s right in that affordable wheel house. With all that said Farheen’s YouTube+ delivers a lot for it’s relatively small $2.99 price tag including the feed pinning, filtering, subscriptions, favorites, like and dislike support, commenting, snap viewing, and downloading.

We’ll keep an eye on all three for you as we get closer to Windows 8’s October 26th release date and be sure to look out for full reviews of all three shortly following the release.


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