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The Favs: June 16th

So you’ve had all the family togetherness, awkward dates, spoiled sports stars and overrated high-brow writing you can take this weekend? We’ve compiled The Favs, some of the best connected entertainment stories from this past week to feed your need for intellectual growth short of going back to work tomorrow morning. Some of its original reporting, and some of it is the work of others.


[divider]Xbox [/divider]

What qualifies as a next generation game?

With the release of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this fall, it’s time to have a serious discussion of what the future of next generation games looks like and how they’re different from the experiences gamers get today. The Verge nails the new experiences that games must have to be considered net-gen and ironically, many of them are trends Microsoft has already set with the Xbox 360. What is a next-gen game?


Which console will you buy?

VG247 argues that through all of the hubbub, posturing and crazy antics of “hardcore gamers” this week, they’ll all shut up and buy an Xbox One at some point. That’s logic already proven by expensive Call of Duty Map Packs and crazy priced downloadable content. As such, the crew at VG247 will get no argument from us. Console Wars: you’re going to buy an Xbox One


[divider]Xbox Music + Video [/divider]

Hopes and wishes for what may become of Xbox Music + Video

Consumer Camp’s Marques Lyons thinks aloud about the features and ways Microsoft will need to evolve Xbox Music + Video or what we used to refer to collectively as Zune to stay competitive. It’s a decent, hyper detailed look at what’s been going on in that space ever since Microsoft announced that it would be formally killing the Zune brand on newer products. So, what’s going on with Xbox Music + Video? I have some hopes and wishes


[divider]Windows Phone [/divider]

So, those flat icons and panoramic views look familiar.

We’ve never been ones to call nonsense when a company isn’t necessarily being straight with us -that’s because we mostly prefer to use language much more like a blunt instrument. However, let’s call a spade a spade. Apple, when non-Microsoft watchers like Bloomberg Businessweek start picking up on you “borrowing” design elements for use in the latest iOS update, you’ve been a bit too aggressive with looking on other’s cheat sheets. Apple Flatters Microsoft with Imitation

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