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BestBuy reopens Xbox One pre-orders

An original Xbox One with Kinect sensor.

Users who haven’t pre-ordered a Day One Edition Xbox One should head to Best Buy’s website and pre-order one of the two console bundles that the company is guaranteeing will be ready on launch day.

The company reopened pre-orders just hours ago, with the Day One Edition Xbox One going for $499, and a version of the Standard Edition Xbox One with a copy of Call of Duty: Ghosts, a year of Xbox LIVE and an extra controller going for a $679.

Every Xbox One includes a Kinect Sensor, one wireless controller, an HDMI cable, a power cable and an Xbox One Chat headset.

Seriously, if you haven’t pre-ordered an Xbox One and you plan to, now is the time to act. Excuse me, right now. After re-opening pre-orders last week, GameStop has once again closed pre-orders for the console. The Xbox One launches on November 22nd. Best Buy will open its stores at midnight to accommodates gamers looking to pick up the device on launch night.

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