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Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week for December 3rd: Saints Row IV

Hide the kids, the remote and your wallet folks. What follows is a mash up of the best pricing Saints Row IV fans have seen yet. That’s great news, you say? Have you actually tried to play a Saints Row game with other people in the room?

Until Tuesday, December 10th, Xbox LIVE Gold users can pick up Saints Row IV itself for $29.99. Of course, Microsoft is also discounting the game’s downloadable content, with the Executive Privilege Pack and Volition Comics Pack for $1.33 each. Additionally, users can pick up the Grass Roots Pack, Presidential Pack, Dubstep Gun (Remix Pack), Wild West Pack, GAT V Pack, Command-in-Chief Pack, The Super Saints Pack and the Pirate’s Booty Pack for jus $2. There’s also the Enter the Dominatrix expansion for $4.68.

Hey, buy the game and add-ons if you want. Just don’t play it around the children.

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