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Rise of the Tomb Raider & more get Xbox One bundles

For your sake, lets hope you weren’t thinking Microsoft had too many Xbox One bundles for holiday shoppers to pick through. Microsoft has already announced three different Xbox One bundles to get holiday shoppers excited and it plans to announce more before the work week ends.

The Xbox One Bundle extravaganza started earlier this week on Xbox Wire when Microsoft announced the Xbox One Rise of the Tomb Raider bundle. Costing $399, that bundle will include digital copies of Rise of The Tomb Raider and Tomb Raider Definitive Edition and a console with 1TB of storage. It’ll launch in November at the Microsoft Store & Best Buy. Theoretically that release date will come before November 10th when Rise of the Tomb Raider launches.

Coming this October is the Xbox One 1TB Holiday Bundle. For $399 shoppers get an Xbox One with 1TB of storage and digital copies of Oni & The Blind Forest, Rare Replay and Gears of War Ultimate Edition. All retailers will carry this bundle, making it easily the most accessible one of all the bundles Microsoft has announced thus far.

This morning Microsoft announced the Xbox One Lego The Movie Bundle. The $349 bundle comes with an Xbox One that has 500GB of storage. It’s country-specific and will only launch in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. It’ll be available in the United States too this October.

More choice is never a bad thing. Microsoft is trying to ensure that it has a fresh bundle to appeal to every type of gamer at every price point. That’s key as it hopes to get more Xbox 360 users upgrading to the Xbox One than it has in the last two holiday seasons. We’ll add these new consoles bundles and the others Microsoft will announced this week to our 2015 Xbox One Timeline for easy browsing very soon.

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