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TRiL: About Assassin’s Creed Origins’ story

I finished Assassin’s Creed Origins this past Sunday, and I’ve got a few thoughts on the subject. Hear me out.

First, Assassin’s Creed Origins really is as great as some tastemakers said it was. Once you have time to get used to them, the controls were great. I played the game on an Xbox One S, which isn’t the best way to experience its beauty. Even then, how Ubisoft depicted and animated Ancient Egypt impressed me. The music was a little understated for my taste, but it still effectively set the atmosphere. I even found the historic tours fun.

The one thing I didn’t like was its story, and that’s why it’s July 24th and I’m announcing I’ve finished a game that came out last October. I won’t spoil the ending for you, except to say that I just couldn’t invest emotionally in Bayek and Aya, even though I really enjoyed all the mechanics, weapons, armor and visiting Egypt. By the end, I just wanted the story over.

And, like any person who games with their heart and their wallet, my lack of enthusiasm for Origins’ story has me rethinking my decision to bet on Assassin’s Creed Odyssey this fall. It’s no secret that I buy games for their story. Just look at my win-loss ratio on Halo 5: Guardians.

There are plenty of narrative driven games coming this fall that might have a solid story. Why skip those for Odyssey if I’m not sure Odyssey can deliver what I crave most? I might just play Odyssey next year and focus on other titles I’m a little more excited for come September, October and November.

Trav in Real Life is a collection of random musings.
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