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Free Music Friday: The Sounds that Pandas Make

With two in house DJs, I hoped that one day I’d get to socialize with music producing types. The guys who stay up all night laying down a new track in FLStudio; the dudes who know exactly what a stab is and just when to use one. So far I’ve managed to find not one, but two talented music creators. This week’s Free Music Friday, features Plastic Panda, a Zune enthusiasts with a gift for lyrics, and a way with  branding.

But enough words, right? Blast some of his fine music on his Facebook page here, Reverb Nation here, and if you feel is stuff, don’t hesitate to say so in the comments. Oh, and you maybe asking yourself why isn’t there some sort of interview with him. Don’t fret, he’ll be on ZuneSpring Live tomorrow night.

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