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Kid Tested, Mother Disavowed.

This is your kickin yet kid friendly workout mix.  (Believe me when I say kid friendly, while including NIN and RATM is an olympian task.) Yet here it is,  just under an hour of some of my favorite motivational jams. It starts mellowish for stretching, peaks at around 30:00 then slowly winds down to your victory lap via, Joe Strummer.

So in February I  Gave up cigarettes and alcohol (well, mostly) and started doing some cardio 3 days a week along with this workout routine.

I started using apps to track calories and find healthier choices on the menu in advance of a rare fast food stop.  All told, I have dropped about 40lbs. Yay me.

The other day I was in the garage about to beat up the punk ass punching bag that lives out there.  My 5yr old Piper comes out in full 80s looking work out clothes to join in. “OK sure, just stay over there outta the way.” I grumped .  Nothing really got done.

I had to skip every other song…potty words. Hmmmm…so  I need a clean yet heavy mix in order to foster this fitness thing with her. No obese kids, BIGGER YAY me. So I went thru, got this together and spiced it up in the usual manner. It hits HARD, its nothing to horse around with…but there are no potty words…Trent does push the envelope a little.

This is what I am gonna jam this Monday at 6AM. Anyone care to join me?

Gym memberships are cheaper today than they will be when you get around to that New Years resolution an a few months.  Get an ambush set up for all the food you KNOW youre gonna eat between now and then. Whether you are treadmilling, lifting, whatever…this one is dialed in just for you.

Revolutions Per Minute …

revolutions per minute

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