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The Favs – March 9th: Why Watch Dogs Was Delayed and How KEXP Keeps The Video Coming

So you’ve had all the family togetherness, awkward dates, spoiled sports stars and overrated high-brow writing you can take this weekend? We’ve compiled The Favs, some of the best connected entertainment stories from this past week. It’s all that you need to feed for intellectual growth — short of going back to work tomorrow morning. Some of it is original reporting, and some of it is the work of others.

[divider] Gaming / Xbox [/divider]

Why Watch Dogs went into hiding.

We here at enConnected headquarters weren’t just excited to get our hands on Watch Dogs, the upcoming open world hacking game that Ubisoft told everyone would be arriving for the launch of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. We were literally moments away from pulling the trigger on a pre-order when the company delayed the game. It was going to be our first game for our next generation console, we were going to break in our console with a little in-game city hacking and shooting up bad guys. A new longform piece from Polygon details why Ubisoft decided to delay the game, and why everyone should be excited for it. Why ‘Watch Dogs’ Went Into Hiding

[divider] Culture [/divider]

KEXP shows us how to keep music lovers tuning in to video.

If you’re into the indie music there are few radio stations that stand out from the crowd. True, every medium-sized or large city in America has its own token radio station that plays something other than the latest Bruno Mars and Britney single. Seattle’s is KEXP, and it stands in a league of its own. GeekWire’s went behind the scenes to see how the station keeps attracting quality musicians and connecting them with Seattle’s unique audience. New era for KEXP: How this radio station is doing top-notch live video on a budget 

[divider] Mobile / Windows Phone[/divider]

One move that could help Microsoft get more Windows Phones into users hands.

For those of you who like to get your entertainment on the go, All About Windows Phone delivers a very intriguing look on how making Windows Phone free for hardware manufacturers to license the operating system could make Windows Phone a serious contender to Apple’s iPhone and devices running Google’s Android operating system. Anything that gets Xbox Live in more places in fine by us. Why ‘free’ might be the best way forward for Windows Phone

Have some decent stories you think other digital entertainment lovers and Xbox aficionados might find interesting? Leave them in the comments.

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