By now you’ve all heard the screams from desktop aficionados all across the country declaring Windows 8 to be the least friendly Windows 8 operating system for their favorite form factor. It’s all lies I say, –clearly they haven’t installed Ubuntu. All kidding aside there are some very real differences to the way desktops operate using Windows 8 VS its predecessor. I thought it would be fun to begin our countdown to the general availability of Windows 8 with a serious discussion on why it’s just fine to run Redmond’s latest on your desktop.
Faster startup is faster and the trains arrive early
I’m not entirely sure at which point the collective desktop OS community decided to all drink the tainted Kool-Aid, but here’s some truth. The new power states, faster startup speeds and relatively low overhead in this version of Windows saves real people, real time. How fast are we talking? A desktop PC with a Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 7200 RPM hard drive, and 2 gigabytes of ram in our tests will typically restart in 25-35 seconds.
Better software breeds better hardware
An almost ridiculous amount of hay has been made about the Microsoft Surface and how it’s elk will change the face of laptops everywhere. Sure it’s the “it” form factor but let’s not forget that many of the things that make Windows 8 the beginning of a new frontier in PC hardware also happen to be easily applicable to desktops. Cheaper ARM powered little pucks powered by Windows RT? That’s possible and likely. Super thin all-in-ones that offer simple computing to the masses? Heck, that’s possible and very likely.
Windows 8 is just a better Windows

The Desktop in Windows 8. Funny, this seems to load faster, display options better, and still allow you to do the things on your desktop you’ve already done.
Getting away from the hardware side of things, there’s just the facts about Windows 8. The Windows Store makes it stupid simple to legally acquire software from an unlimited amount of developers, all of which has been scoured by trained professionals who have an interest in screening out dangerous or suspect code. Fact. Take that CNET Downloads. The new Ribbon UI, while unsightly in my opinion, surfaces features that I guarantee you 90% of PC users don’t even know are there. Things like secure boot and built-in virus protection will most likely save millions from being committed to mental asylums after having lost their entire photo collection.
Hell, what tech enthusiasts and casual users alike should really be excited about are my favorite parts of Windows 8. Being able to completely reinstall your operating system without having to first create a Restore Disc is a brilliant idea. Being able to completely reinstall your operating system without having to first create a back-up or a restore disc and still have your information afterwards is damn near genius.
“Progress with a purpose..”
For the life of me, I just can’t understand the reluctance of “hardcore desktop users” to run Windows 8. This is without a doubt the best Windows has ever been. Sure the Start Menu takes a little getting used to, but I expect that for the person who finds themselves ponying up to Geek Squad every month or so, they’ll be all over this. Windows OEMs can use this piece of software to create crazy affordable, secure, fast desktop PCs that won’t require most of the headaches of running a bottom of the barrel Windows 7 PC.
I’ve heard of folks complaining of Windows 8 being progress for the sake of progress, but from where I’m sitting this thing is progress with a purpose. Sure that purpose doesn’t seem to include letting you use the desktop the way you’ve used it for years, but that’s just it, PCs are not what they were years ago. Neither are desktops.
I agree completely with you! I am sick to death of the dissing of the desktop side of Windows 8. I finally bit the bullet a few weeks ago and installed the Preview on my Fujitsu Core i3 and the difference is like night and day. With Soluto I was able to carve my boot time to about 3:40. With Windows 8 (granted, I had to re-install many programs, so it is running leaner) my boot time is under 20 seconds.
I am somewhat ambivalent about the ribbon in the file manager, but like you, I think many will be surprised about how accessible features and tasks are that were previously buried in layers of menus.
One problem, that will disappear in the upcoming release, is it is somewhat jarring to move from the “Modern UI” to the Aero desktop. I think with the flattening of the task bar, the disappearance of the old style chrome in many cases, this will be minimized and it will feel like a much more homogeneous experience.
Finally, Hotspots. Never have been a favorite of mine. However, once I learned how they function in Windows 8, I have grown to appreciate them, dare I say love them. There is very little I can do on my tablet that I can’t do almost as easily with my desktop. And to be honest, I wanted to do some work while in the States, and wound up buying a wireless mouse to use with my tablet, as I found I could not easily drag and select.
I am looking to buy a Surface RT when available. I think what people will find, that (much to the dismay of Apple) people DO want hybrid devices. With the keyboard cover, a wireless mouse, 64GB and Micro SD, I will be able to do REAL work on my tablet, compared to the iPad. On my desktop, the Live Tiles, weather apps, social Tiles, email are infinitely visible on the Start Screen and I can access the MOST important programs either desktop or “Modern UI” almost instantly!
Can hardly wait!