That song that former Bungie audio director Martin O’Donnell, and Mike Salvatori worked on with legendary musician Paul McCartney? It’s being released as a single off Destiny’s soundtrack later this year, according to the New York Times.
A long form piece covering the song’s creation surfaced earlier today on the publication’s Arts Beat news blog. According to that report, O’Donnell and McCartney have been working on the song bit-by-bit for four years, hoping to strike a balance between grandeur and “hope.” Whereas as many music makers are initially attracted to video game soundtracks because they actually play games, it is the Times’ assertion that McCartney doesn’t actually play video games. Instead, he was attracted to the project because he wanted to experience the process of creating video game music for himself.
Unfortunately, we’re all still left thirsty for bit of the track ourselves. There’s no publicly known release date for the Destiny theme song. Destiny, the video game, launches on September 9th. It’ll be available for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3. O’Donnell previously worked on the music for the Halo franchise when it was under Bungie’ssupervision.