Owners of Microsoft’s Xbox One console and PCs running Windows are getting first access to Jaws of Hakkon, a new piece of downloadable content for Dragon Age: Inquisition first announced last night and released just this morning.

Bioware, developer for Dragon Age: Inquisition, shared new details about Jaws of Hakkon in a post on its Dragon Age website this morning. Jaws of Hakkon is the first time we’ve received new downloadable story content for Dragon Age: Inquisition.

In Dragon Age: Inquisition – Jaws of Hakkon tasks users with new story missions that cut to the heart of the Inquisition, more specifically the last incarnation of the Inquisition before the one we see birthed in the game’s core story. In the story players go looking for the truth about what happened to their predecessor and the high-dragon that he once tracked before disappearing. In the add-on are new War Table missions a new area to unlock and new enemies to stop.

Dragon Age Inquisition – Jaws of Hakkon is available for $14.99 in the Xbox Store for those who don’t have EA Access. Those who do have EA Access get a bit of the purchase price. The add-on takes up about 2GB of hard drive space for those who need to start examining how they’ll fit the game on their system of choice. Jaws of Hakkon is also coming to the Xbox 360 version of the game, but when that’ll happen remains unclear.

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