Looking through my inbox this morning, I got the email I’d been waiting for: a cancellation notice from CBS All Access. Folks, don’t be fooled by promises of hours of TV shows and movies on the low. Subscription services are a trap.
Take my addiction to subscription services as a cautionary tale. I’ve had Netflix since the company still made most of its money from mailing DVDs in red envelopes. That’s $14 a month, since I have a 4K TV and family members who act like they can’t spare $9.99 out of their own budget. I also have Amazon Prime because Bosch and the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel are great, and my house has an Amazon Echo in every room. That’s another $10.99 a month. CBS All Access cost me $5.99 a month before I cancelled it.
Overall, that’s $31 in subscriptions fees if I paid for each of these per month. I did the math and hit the cancel button on CBS All Access a week ago. Amazon Prime may be next.
Don’t be like me, keep your video subscription services in check.