My family calls me Travis. You can call me Trav.
I’m the editor and news head here at enConnected. When you’re on Facebook and wondering how someone possibly made a mistake and thought Hi Five was something you do and not an African-American boy band, that’s me. When you’re looking for the latest in Xbox news and stumble across this week’s Xbox Live Deals With Gold, that’s me too. In short, I run the joint.
I started enConnected after first discovering Microsoft’s now-long dead music service called Zune. I’d been a blogger before that – running sites dedicated to astronomy and Pokemon. In a past life I’d also ran Wizards Magic, a community site and blog dedicated to the Harry Potter book and movie series.

In case you thought I was making that Harry Potter super fan stuff up. This was taken during a release party for book 7 in the series. .
For my work in passing information about Zune to the community and covering it for so long, Microsoft acknowledged my contributions with an MVP Award. I’ve held that award every year since 2010. I don’t like to talk about it much, but being nominated for that award by someone who liked to read my stuff shocked me in a way that I still get nervous about today. In the last two years I’ve been rewarded for contributions to the Xbox community.
I like photography, and I’m afraid of the guy on the oatmeal box. I watch hood rat people do hood rat things on Love & Hip-Hop. On Sundays, I start the week fresh with episodes of PBS’ Masterpiece Mystery. My favorite Xbox game of all time is still Batman: Arkham Asylum. Right now I dabble in Forza 5, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag on my Xbox One. I hate websites that overuse keywords and take way too long to load. (Hi Huffington Post) I’m a big fan of Miles O’Brien. My favorite thing to read is Young House Love and my favorite television show is The West Wing. Justin Timberlake is that dude.
Windows Phones, I love those.
Earlier this year I decided to pull the trigger on a sort-of soft reboot of enConnected. Originally, the site was just a way to get my voice heard and reach out to other people like me, other people who care about Microsoft specific products. That’s worked out, but the world already has that. In fact, it’s got that ten-fold. enConnected will continue to do what it does, but I also think that’s there’s room for personality in what we bring to you. If you’re consistently reading what we write here, you’re trusting us with your time. I’m of the opinion trust works both ways.
We will be timely with the Microsoft entertainment news – that is Xbox, Xbox Music, Windows and sometimes Windows Phone news – that you care about. That being said, we will – more specifically, I will – act as a guardian for your time. All news, isn’t something you care about and minor news isn’t worth bringing to your attention unless it means something. Quality and context are important here, it can’t just be about quantity.
I adore my Xbox One and I’m still mad Batman Arkham Knight was delayed.
Substance doesn’t exist in a vacuum either. Great content is key, but so is humor. We’re going to make fun of ourselves. We’re going to make fun of you. We’re going to make fun of the worst episodes of Star Trek to ever air on television. We’re going to tell you whether you should buy Sunset Overdrive bundle or not. We’re going to remind you that The Cosby Show is one of the greatest sitcoms of all time, and that Netflix’s House of Cards is modern Shakespeare.
We are enConnected. Who are you? Tell us in the comments.